A sale of eco-friendly rain barrels to support the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (in ,collaboration with the Rideau Lakes Township and Rideau Lakes Association Committee) and will be held at 2797 Highway 15, Portland on Friday, May 26, 2023 from 3:00PM to 7:00PM.
Rain barrels reduce the amount of storm water runoff by collecting roof runoff and storing the rainwater for future use.
Rain Barrel benefits:
Save Money and Water: Using rain water instead of tap water for outdoor use, reduces your water bill.
Protect Your Municipality Water Supply: Collecting water in your rain barrel slows it from rushing into local lakes and rivers. This helps decrease storm runoff and the level of pollution going into local watersheds.
Better Gardens: Improve the growth and vitality of your plants by feeding them rainwater instead of tap water with many chemicals including chlorine and fluoride.
Reduce Risk of Basement Flooding: Disconnecting downspouts from your sewer drain and connecting them to your rain barrel reduces the risk of basement flooding. If your rain barrel begins to get full there is an overflow hose that carries water away from your house.
You can shop for rain barrels to support this initiative at https://rainbarrel.ca/rvca/
See the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQS) for product specific questions or contact Michael Yee, michael.yee@rvca.ca or 613-692-3571 ext 1176 for location-specific questions.